If you reside in Pickaway County and your child will be four years old by August 1st
and you are interested in preschool for your child, please contact the appropriate person listed below for more information:
School District | Contact Person Name | Phone Number | Email Address |
Circleville City | Jill Sims | 740-474-4846 | |
Logan Elm Local | Marsha Waidelich | 740-474-7501 | |
Teays Valley Local | Andrea Ward-Burrow | 740-983-5092 | |
Westfall Local | Amy Urban | 740-986-4008 | |
If leaving a voicemail or sending an e-mail, please include the following information:
Child’s name and date of birth
Parent/guardian name
Address, phone number and e-mail address
Any concerns regarding the child (such as speech delays, etc.)